Individual Freedom.
Personal Responsibility.
Strong Communities.

At its core, The John William Pope Foundation’s approach is about investing in people – enriching lives while strengthening the foundations of a free and prosperous society.

"Self-reliance, self-confidence, and integrity are the keys to success. Endurance is also critical, and the responsibility for success lies on the shoulders of the individual."
John William Pope

Our Mission

The John William Pope Foundation makes grants to improve the well-being of North Carolinians by advancing the ideas of limited government, individual freedom, personal responsibility, and strong communities.

Grant Priorities

At the core, our grant priorities are about strengthening the roots of civil society, so that everyone has access to opportunity. Read more about our specific areas of investment.


By the Numbers

$ 160 +
Million Granted
360 +
Nonprofits supported
Application Process

Find Out How You Can Become a Grant Partner

The John William Pope Foundation seeks grant partners who share a vision of advancing individual freedom and personal responsibility. We offer two main funding opportunities, our Annual Grants and the Joy W. Pope Memorial Grant Program.

Featured Grant Stories

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Habitat for Humanity of Wake County

Habitat for Humanity of Wake County

Alliance Medical Ministry

Alliance Medical Ministry

North Carolina Symphony

North Carolina Symphony

The Fund for American Studies

The Fund for American Studies

Transitions LifeCare

Transitions LifeCare

UNC-Duke Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program

UNC-Duke Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program

Baker Mitchell Devotes His Retirement to Educating Kids

Baker Mitchell Devotes His Retirement to Educating Kids

Katherine Restrepo: Bringing a Fresh Perspective to Health Care Policy

Katherine Restrepo: Bringing a Fresh Perspective to Health Care Policy

Jim Anthony Puts Faith Into Practice Through Giving

Jim Anthony Puts Faith Into Practice Through Giving

SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals

SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals

Cathy Heath Wages Decade-Long Battle to Protect Property Rights

Cathy Heath Wages Decade-Long Battle to Protect Property Rights

The Institute for Humane Studies

The Institute for Humane Studies


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