Update from JWPF about COVID-19

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The Pope Foundation remains fully accessible by email and phone, though we may not be present in our physical office. In this time of uncertainty, we appreciate your organization’s continued commitment to its work and the people you serve. The nonprofit sector is a vital component of a civil society, and that becomes all the more evident in periods of economic distress.

Recently Submitted Proposals           

If you submitted a proposal and have been notified that it will be considered this spring, please know that our review process and timeline are continuing as planned for the time being.  Should anything change, we will contact all applicants by email. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to a program officer directly or contact us at info@jwpf.org.

Current Grantees

We trust that you know how to best serve your clients and understand that many of you have made programmatic changes to accommodate local, state and federal recommendations. But, if you have concerns or questions or believe that your project-specific grant will have altered timelines and/or outcomes, please reach out to us. If you’re not sure who you should contact, please email info@jwpf.org.


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